5 * Rating
Animal Welfare Licence
2022 - 2025

Tiny Tots Pony Treks


Tiny Tots Pony Trekking
If you are looking for children's pony trekking in Cambridge, we offer children's private hand-led pony treks, on quiet countryside tracks, available for children aged 2-8 years old.
Small children can find the large, busy riding school environment quite overwhelming, many riding schools do not take children until they are 5 years old, and some children don't feel excited about going round a ménage in circles, but here we can take little ones from 2 years old to 8 years old and we go out pony trekking instead.
Although we are a licensed riding establishment, we are not a riding school and not open to the public, these are strictly by arranged appointment only.
We offer an interactive pony session with quiet pony trekking out around open countryside or through the village on our gentle lead rein ponies.
Firstly your child will meet their pony, say hello and give them a treat to eat, you can even have a brush of them if you request to do so. Then we will get your little one up on the pony and go!
You walk out with us too, while we take one or two ponies out for a lovely walk in the countryside. We go for a quiet walk, look for wildlife and sing little songs, and learn about the ponies. As we go on our magical ride, we may see little Fairy Gardens along the way and go to the Wishing Tree and all make a wish.
The slightly older ones can learn to turn and stop the pony, and other interesting things. You'll get plenty of opportunities to take some lovely photos of the pony trek.
If you are experienced with horses, you can lead one of the ponies yourself, which is lovely for the child if Mummy, Daddy or even Granny is involved!
Maximum of three children and three ponies.
Booking ahead is essential. We have some availability on Saturdays and Sundays and lighter evenings from 3.34pm - 4.45pm.
Price list for January 2024
1/2 hour private session is £35
1/2 hour shared session (two children / two ponies) is £28 per rider
1/2 hour group session (three children / three ponies is £28 per rider
45 min private £45
45 min group session £40 per rider
1 hour session - £60
1 hour shared session (two children / two ponies) - £52 per rider
1 hour group session (three children / three ponies - £52 per rider
Block of 10 private 1/2hr sessions - £315
(10th session free)
Block of 10 private 45 min sessions - £405
(10th session free)
Block of 10 private 1 hour sessions - £540
(10th session free)
If 10 lessons booked and paid for in advance 10th lesson will be free of charge – non refundable
There will be a cancellation charge for lessons
cancelled with less than 24 hours notice
This activity is fully insured and includes £2,000,000.00 Public Liability Insurance, Riding Establishment - Animal Welfare - Hiring out Horses Licence, BS Standard safety hats, safety harnesses and a lot of smiles!
Pony riding is a HIGH RISK sport, and whilst our ponies are beautifully quiet, they can still move suddenly or unpredictably and there is a risk that your child may fall from height. You need to consider carefully whether you want to accept this risk by taking up horse riding for your little one.
You will need to complete the following forms to bring to your first session:

Code of Conduct
Rider Registration Form